Santa Cruz Homeless Update - (fwd) Santa Cruz Official To Receive ACLU Award for Keeping the Homeless Down
(too old to reply)
2008-08-20 03:20:30 UTC
-----Forwarded Message-----

Proposed protest at the ACLU Travesty Sunday Afternoon
From: "Robert Norse" <***@hotmail.com>
To: "HUFF yahoo groups" <***@yahoogroups.com>

Who's interested in coming to a protest Sunday afternoon around 3 PM?
Or in supporting such a protest by making signs? We need to know this
to adequately prepare a peaceful educational protest for Sunday's
Awards ceremony.

The local ACLU plans to present Mayor Ryan Coonerty with the 'Hammer
of Justice' award Sunday between 3 and 6 PM Aug. 24 in the La Feliz
Room of the Seymour Center at the Long Marine Laboratory, 100

The rationale for the ACLU's decision (made by a minority of its
members)is reportedly in praise of his constitutional law classes at
Cabrillo and UCSC.

That's the same place Councilmember (and ACLU Board member Mike
Rotkin) blocked our going in and tried to arrest HUFFsters when we
tried toenter with signs, urging the ACLU to publicly oppose the
Sleeping Ban and support the court challenge. A year later, of
course, they've done nothing further around that issue.

On Saturday, the Human Rights Organization voted to support a
protestthere. Bernard is organizing it. Valerie C. has made a sign.
I'mworking on a flyer. We'll be talking about the issue at
tomorrow'sHUFF meeting.

Becky Johnson in her brief commentarybelow outlines some of
bad positions and actions. He isalso outstandingly bad on a number
other issues:

an enabler of the SCPD--in its coverup of the political infiltration
several years ago of the DIY Last Night peaceful protest and the
Council's refusal to provide protections.

supported a blank check to the Parks and Recreation boss to close
any areas of the city under the P & R jurisdiction (which includes
entire Pogonip, City Hall, the library, pa without a public hearing
an affirmative vote from the P & R Commission.

refused to release either his public meetings schedule or his
appointment book history of meetings with lobbyists as required by
California Sunshine Act.

helped to cripple the Measure K Committee, created by Initiative last
election to oversee the SCPD and ensure that marijuana busts on
private property of adults are the lowest property; still hasn't
appointed his member, leaving the position vacant.

arranged through closed door meetings with staff and conservative
Council meetings for last year's SCPD crackdown on Pacific Ave and
continues to champion further such measures in the upcoming election
under the guide of 'quality of life' and 'public safety' labels.

refuses to meet with or document is personal attacks on critics who
publicly confronted him in front of the Bookshop Santa Cruz for his
anti-homeless position.

Last year's activities are chronicled at
Activists ask ACLU to help end sleeping ban
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/ 2007/08/26/18443532.php
Rotkin Responds to the ACLU Scandal: Signature Hypocrisy of Phoney
'Progressive' Politics
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/ 2007/09/08/ 18446314.php
Kate Wells, who is on the ACLU's legal committee, but was not
consulted in the ACLU's decision to award Coonerty, will be out of
town, but has expressed amazement and outrage agt the decision.


NOTETO READERS: Last year, HUFF attended the ACLU awards ceremony
to be refused entry because Robert Norse was carrying a sign. Mike
Rotkin called the police and the UCSC police and the SCPD showed up.
The UCSC police sgt. informed Rotkin that carrying a sign into a
public meeting was a legal activity. HUFF members were then allowed
toattend the event and no further incident occurred. This year,this
event, to which the ACLU is 'inviting the public' plans to give Mayor
Ryan Coonerty and award. No doubt for his cutting public comment at
City Council meetings, banning activists from Bookshop Santa Cruz who
have been critical of his policies toward homeless people, and for
making all downtown parking lots 'notrespass zones.' --- Becky
Johnson of HUFF


ACLU hosts awards ceremony
found at:http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_10199162


Robert Norse

-----End Forward-----
2008-08-23 04:47:01 UTC
Here's the Indymedia story about it written by Robert Norse last
night. It includes a protest letter by Kate Wells.



Santa Cruz Indymedia | Police State and Prisons

While Mayor Coonerty Hammers Away at Civil Liberties, the ACLU Awards
Him Sunday
by Robert Norse
Friday Aug 22nd, 2008 4:59 AM
The local ACLU plans to present Mayor Ryan Coonerty with the 'Hammer
of Justice' award Sunday between 3 and 6 PM Aug. 24 in the La Feliz
Room of the Seymour Center at the Long Marine Laboratory, 100 Schaffer
Road. The Human Rights Organization and HUFF (Homeless United for
Friendship & Freedom) hope to educate ACLUskees as to the true nature
of Mayor Coonerty's kakocracy and suggest more suitable candidates.
Who's interested in coming to a protest Sunday afternoon around 3 PM?
Or in supporting such a protest by making signs ? Contact me at
423-4833 for more info or just show up at 100 Schaffer Rd. at 3 PM


Apparently several months ago, the ACLU Board made a quiet decision,
apparently not even polling its own membership, to further Mayor
Coonerty's fall election campaign with an absurd award--the "Hammer of
Justice" Award.

Last year Assemblyman John Laird received the "Hammer of Justice"
award for his work on gay civil rights--an action for which there was
some basis (though Laird adopted harsh measures to combat homeless
civil rights protest when he was Santa Cruz mayor two decades ago in

The rationale for the ACLU's decision (made by a minority of its
members) was unclear but had to something to do with Coonerty's
"constitutional law" classes at Cabrillo and UCSC. That Coonerty
preaches "constitutional law" while practicing "unconstitutional"
lawmaking is the kind of casual hypocrisy that Santa Cruz
"progressives" have become famous for.

Some public comment on the ACLU's peculiar "Award the Abuser" decision
can be found at http://www.topix.com/forum/city/santa-cruz-ca/TSMMID29PN93BQTB7


I contacted veteran insider and Civil Liberties Slayer Mike Rotkin
himself yesterday by phone in search of an answer to this strange
contradiction. Rotkin is both an ACLU Board member and for those
watching closely, the shadow mayor of Santa Cruz, still sitting on the
Santa Cruz City Council in spite of progressive efforts to retire him.
No response yet, but I've invited Mike on Free Radio to defend the
Board's decision.

Last year at the ACLU awards ceremony Rotkin's response to criticism
of the ACLU was to physically block the critics from entering
("because of their signs") and call the police. They advised Rotkin he
couldn't exclude the peaceful public, even with signs. ACLU members
were sadly silent as the Rotkin showed the corrupting force of power-
over-principle. The police and D.A. did not charge Rotkin with making
a false police report (Rotkin suggested the signs urging an end to the
sleeping ban were disruptive), but the critics were allowed in.

The signs and petitions we carried urged the ACLU to publicly oppose
the Rotkin/Coonerty- backed city Sleeping Ban ordinance. We also urged
members to support the court challenge being proposed that year. A
year later, of course, they've done nothing further around that issue--
apparently ever afraid of offending City Council and conservative
westside residents.

Last year's repressive ACLU actions against critics who attended its
"public" meeting are chronicled at "Activists ask ACLU to help end
sleeping ban"

and "Rotkin Responds to the ACLU Scandal: Signature Hypocrisy of
Phoney 'Progressive' Politics" at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2007/09/08/18446314.php


Becky Johnson in her brief commentary below outlines some of
Coonerty's bad positions and actions.

NOTE TO READERS: Last year, HUFF attended the ACLU awards ceremony
only to be refused entry because Robert Norse was carrying a sign.
Mike Rotkin called the police and the UCSC police and the SCPD showed
up. The UCSC police sgt. informed Rotkin that carrying a sign into a
public meeting was a legal activity. HUFF members were then allowed to
attend the event and no further incident occurred. This year,this
event, to which the ACLU is 'inviting the public' plans to give Mayor
Ryan Coonerty an award. No doubt for his cutting public comment at
City Council meetings, banning activists from Bookshop Santa Cruz who
have been critical of his policies toward homeless people, and for
making all downtown parking lots 'no trespass zones.'

Coonerty is also outstandingly bad on a number of other issues:

* an enabler of the SCPD--in its coverup of the political infiltration
several years ago of the DIY Last Night peaceful protest and the
Council's refusal to provide protections.
* supported a blank check to the Parks and Recreation boss to close
down any areas of the city under the P & R jurisdiction (which
includes the entire Pogonip, City Hall, the library, pa without a
public hearing or an affirmative vote from the P & R Commission.
* refused to release either his public meetings schedule or his
appointment book history of meetings with lobbyists as required by the
California Sunshine Act.
* helped to cripple the Measure K Committee, created by Initiative
last election to oversee the SCPD and ensure that marijuana busts on
private property of adults are the lowest property; still hasn't
appointed his member, leaving the position vacant.
* arranged through closed door meetings with staff and conservative
Council meetings for last year's SCPD crackdown on Pacific Ave and
continues to champion further such measures in the upcoming election
under the guide of 'quality of life' and 'public safety' labels.
* refuses to meet with or document is personal attacks on critics who
publicly confronted him in front of the Bookshop Santa Cruz for his
anti-homeless position. He declared others were "banned for life" for
protesting the Mayor's policies on the sidewalk in front of his


The Santa Cruz ACLU itself seems to be beyond redemption. The southern
California ACLU chapter actively supported legislation leading to the
historic Jones decision overturning the L.A. Sleeping Ban in 2006 and
the northern California ACLU chapter actively backed a successful
Fresno lawsuit against the seizsure of homeless property there,
winning a $2.3 million settlement.

But here in Santa Cruz, the ACLU has refused to publicly oppose the
same Sleeping Ban practices that its sister organizations fought in
Los Angeles and Fresno, burying the issue in committee time after

The national ACLU Drug Policy Project has its headquarters here (above
the Tacqueria Vallarta at Cathcart and Pacific), but has taken no
action to oppose the Coonerty Council's emasculation of the Measure K
law, which the voters passed in 2006, making marijuana enforcement the
lowest priority for the SCPD. (See "Measure K Commission Survivor
Speaks Out ..." at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/06/11/18506179.php)

On one issue the local ACLU did take a stand--opposing Coonerty's
Parking Lots Trespass law, removing 10 solid blocks of downtown space
traditionally open to the public from public use and banning public
assembly there. (See "Local ACLU Statement on the Parking Lot Panic
Law" at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/01/28/18475525.php ) But
now the Board is awarding the Mayor who pushed through the legislation
it opposed.


Kate Wells, who is on the ACLU's legal committee, but was not
consulted in the ACLU's decision to award Coonerty, will be out of
town, but has expressed amazement and outrage at the decision. She
wrote the following letter to the Board:

From: Kate Wells
To: board [at] aclusantacruz.org ; legal [at] aclusantacruz.org
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Legal] Chapter Awards

.... Having brought many civil rights lawsuits against the City of
Santa Cruz over the years of my practice, I have had the unique
opportunity to witness first hand the human rights stances of every
mayor and councilmember for the past couple of decades. Ryan Coonerty,
in my opinion, has not only not stood up for the principles espoused
by the ALCU, but has instituted and supported political and
legislative stances that are inimical to the goal of achieving those
principles. And such behavior is even more egregious given his status
as a civil rights instructor.

As mayor, Mr. Coonerty has actively instituted a policy curtailing the
ability of the people to address their elected officials at city
council meetings. As a councilmember and mayor, he has shown
overwhelming support for anti-homeless legislation including the
criminalization of sleep, of covering oneself with a blanket at night,
of being able to take cover against the rain in a public parking lot,
and even the peaceful act of soliciting funds on the streets of the

The National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Law Center on
Homelessness and Poverty have twice in the past decade named the City
of Santa Cruz as one of the top 20 "meanest" cities in the United
States based on the number of anti-homeless laws in the city, the
enforcement of those laws and severity of penalties, the general
political climate toward homeless people in the city, the city's
history of criminalization measures, and the existence of pending or
recently enacted criminalization legislation in the city. I know of no
other city in the country that outlaws the mere act of covering
oneself with a blanket in public during the night. Ryan Coonerty has
supported and defended such draconian laws despite the fact that many
homeless people in our city, including a Viet Nam vet in a wheelchair,
have died in the night from hypothermia.

In Jones, et al. v. The City of Los Angeles , et al., a suit brought
by ACLU attorney Carol Sobel, the Ninth Circuit condemned such anti-
homeless practices as cruel and unusual punishment, a violation of the
Eighth Amendment. Said decision was hailed by the ACLU as a great
victory for human rights. See the published article at:

I was the attorney for the plaintiff in Maurer v. The City of Santa
Cruz, the case referred to by Don in his letter as (d). In that case,
I pleaded with the city, prior to filing suit, to voluntarily change a
blatantly unconstitutional law regarding panhandling on the streets of
Santa Cruz. Instead, the city council, including Ryan Coonerty,
decided to defend the clearly indefensible ordinance at all costs -
Northern District Court Judge Jeremy Fogel scoffed at the position put
forth by the City Attorney and found the law to be in violation of the
First Amendment as written and as applied, ordering the City Attorney
to rewrite it.

Any first year law student would have known that the ordinance was
unconstitutional and yet the City spent nearly $100,000 defending the
lawsuit - including paying my fees and damages to the plaintiff. Ryan
Coonerty, with his knowledge of Constitutional law, was in a unique
position to exert his influence on the council and/or to voluntarily
bring forth an amendment to the panhandling ordinance to bring it in
line with the First Amendment. He obviously did not.

I, too, would like to know exactly what Ryan Coonerty has done to
deserve an ACLU award. In my opinion, in view of the foregoing
information, he has not earned such consideration.

Kate Wells


Coonerty's bad civil liberties record locally caused him to be opposed
and rejected as an Obama delegate last April in spite of his high
profile "mayoral" status. His punitive hostility towards critics is
chronicled there in the e-mail correspondence he had with Obama
supporter Metteyya Brahmana. See "Coonerty to Face Challenge in Obama
Delegate Selection 2 PM Sunday: at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/04/12/18492397.php

Coonerty decreed new restrictive rules at City Council making Santa
Cruz one of the only cities in the state that requires Council
permission for community members to speak for two minutes on
individual consent agenda items. See "Coonerty Uses New Consent Agenda
Gag Rule" at http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/03/26/18488814.php

Ironically Coonerty faced off against ACLU legal committee attorneys
Kate Wells and Don Zimmerman in a television debate on the Sleeping
Ban from which Coonerty had me banned last fall: See
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2007/11/14/18461204.php . There
Coonerty defends a law which makes "sleep criminals" out of homeless
people. Coonerty has taken no action to reduce the $97 fines which
60-90 homeless people incur each month in Santa Cruz, where there is
no emergency drop-in shelter for 90% of the city's 1500-2000 homeless

Coonerty's controversial record is also chronicled at

At the SEIU Candidate forum earlier this month, Coonerty continued his
call for more "quality of life" enforcement downtown. This is right-
wing code talk for giving the police more power to selectively enforce
their own sense of what is appropriate behavior downtown, using the
Downtown Ordinances which severely restrict sitting, sparechanging,
political tabling, and performing. Unfortunately Jeff Smedberg banned
all recording of the candidates' commentsn or we could hear Coonerty's
comments uncensored.

The Sentinel original announcement of the ACLU awards ceremony can be
found at: http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_10199162

Those who haven't the time or energy to show up to speak to ACLUskees
directly on Sunday may wish to cancel their donations to and/or
membership in the ACLU by e-mailing the neo-liberals who came up with
this Coonerty election eve support measure at board [at]
aclusantacruz.org .
© 2000–2008 San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center. Unless
otherwise stated by the author, all content is free for non-commercial
reuse, reprint, and rebroadcast, on the net and elsewhere. Opinions
are those of the contributors and are not necessarily endorsed by the
SF Bay Area IMC.
2008-08-25 23:19:11 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Here's the Indymedia story about it written by Robert Norse last
night.  It includes a protest letter by Kate Wells.
Rather than urban camping, why can't the homeless
go out and get jobs? That's why there's Salvation Army.
Government can't solve all personal problems.

Chief Thracian
2008-08-27 18:44:30 UTC
Post by beebs
Rather than urban camping, why can't the homeless
go out and get jobs?
You're either clueless, or arrogant. Maybe both.
Geoff Miller
2008-09-21 04:22:29 UTC
Post by Chief Thracian
Post by beebs
Rather than urban camping, why can't the homeless
go out and get jobs?
You're either clueless, or arrogant. Maybe both.
Why do you liberals so often default to snottiness and
_ad hominem_ attacks instead of addressing the matter
at hand?


NoBama '08
No You Can't!
Chief Thracian
2008-09-27 04:13:47 UTC
Post by Geoff Miller
Why do you liberals so often default to snottiness and
_ad hominem_ attacks instead of addressing the matter
at hand?
Why do you lable anyone a liberal, who does not agree with you?
Post by Geoff Miller
Post by beebs
Rather than urban camping, why can't the homeless
go out and get jobs?
You make it sound like a picnic for those on the streets. That's cold,
vicious, and at BEST clueless. I was being nice to you...forget about
THAT strategy.

I hope YOU lose everything and become homeless. You DESERVE it, unlike
so many who really ARE destitute.
Final Testament (Gay Quran)