Electric Cars Suck Re: We'll can't drill our way out of this
(too old to reply)
Tim May
2008-05-27 23:23:12 UTC
yes. electric and natural gas are the logical replacements for oil for
Not in states or countries with negative incentives for using
electricity (to charge cars with, for example).

Here in California, we have a multi-tier rate system. Use more and the
rate per unit increases, even to _double_ the starting rate:

Here's my latest PG&E bill:

Baseline Usage 127.40 Kwh @ $0.11556
101-130% of Baseline 38.22 Kwh @ $0.13139
131-200% 24.00 Kwh @ $0.22708

In other words, electricity costs _twice_ as much for over 131% of some
baseline per household.

("Baseline" is set by political lobbying groups, committees, etc. It
reflects usage in a small house, and does not even take into account
those of us who have to pump our own water from wells, etc.)

Were I to have a plug-in electric car, charging it would be at the
"margin," that is, in addition to my normal electricity usage.

The cost per energy unit for this electricity is NOT competitive with
gasoline costs. Hell, it'd be cheaper for me to buy gas, run a
generator, charge an electric car from it, than it would be for me to
pay the punitive top tier rate. And their may even be a tier even
higher for usage greater than 200% of baseline, which an electric car
would almost certainly put me into.

(Were electricity a free market item, there would be volume discounts
for bigger purchases, not an escalating price!)

The "split wood, not atoms!" greenhead blissninnies have gotten their
wish: we split wood, burned fossil fuels, and now we have global


The best part of this all is that it's the damned poor people, most of
them liberal lefties, who are getting hit by this the hardest. Many of
the companies I invest in are moving operations out of the U.S. just as
quickly as they can. The liberal poor think Obamination will bring them


--Tim May
2008-05-28 01:46:31 UTC
"Tim May" <***@removethis.got.net> wrote in message news:270520081623127066%***@removethis.got.net...
Post by Tim May
--Tim May
Are you saying you use ~6kw per day, based on a 30 day month? Impressive!

mike in montana
Tim May
2008-05-28 01:59:27 UTC
Post by Mike
Post by Tim May
--Tim May
Are you saying you use ~6kw per day, based on a 30 day month? Impressive!
"kw" is a unit of power, not of energy.

Hence the "Kwh" (kilowatts time hours) units.

Reframe your question.

--Tim May
2008-05-29 03:25:58 UTC
Post by Tim May
Post by Mike
Post by Tim May
--Tim May
Are you saying you use ~6kw per day, based on a 30 day month? Impressive!
"kw" is a unit of power, not of energy.
Hence the "Kwh" (kilowatts time hours) units.
Reframe your question.
--Tim May
ok - 6Kwh per day..
2008-05-28 02:01:27 UTC
On Tue, 27 May 2008 16:23:12 -0700, Tim May
Post by Tim May
The best part of this all is that it's the damned poor people, most of
them liberal lefties, who are getting hit by this the hardest. Many of
the companies I invest in are moving operations out of the U.S. just as
quickly as they can. The liberal poor think Obamination will bring them
isn't that great? The people who's boots you lick are moving their
operations offshore so they don't have to pay taxes or spend money in
America, leaving poor people to suffer and starve. And I bet you
consider yourself a good American patriot and a Christian. But in
reality, you suck.

Tim May
2008-05-28 03:11:17 UTC
Post by h***@nospam.org
On Tue, 27 May 2008 16:23:12 -0700, Tim May
Post by Tim May
The best part of this all is that it's the damned poor people, most of
them liberal lefties, who are getting hit by this the hardest. Many of
the companies I invest in are moving operations out of the U.S. just as
quickly as they can. The liberal poor think Obamination will bring them
isn't that great? The people who's boots you lick are moving their
operations offshore so they don't have to pay taxes or spend money in
America, leaving poor people to suffer and starve. And I bet you
consider yourself a good American patriot and a Christian. But in
reality, you suck.
They are not those whose (note the whose, not "who is") boots I lick.

I'm one of their owners, one of their shareholders. And I endorse their
move of operations offshore.

Americans have become niggerized. Even white kids are adopting the
ghetto look: shorts down to their ankles, hanging low on their hips,
the girls wearing "tramp stamps" just above their butt crack, a
repudiation of learning ("Reading be fo' whitey" now is the mantra of
even Caucasian teens), and a complete unawareness of the future.

Dirt people are in the ascendancy in America.

Rent the movie "Idiocracy" to see how this all plays out.

Meanwhile, I am happy that the companies I am a part owner of are
moving core operations out of America.

Intel is building key fabrication facilities in China, where people are
actually eager and willing to work.

China has not yet succumbed to niggerization.

--Tim May
2008-05-29 09:03:00 UTC
Post by Tim May
I'm one of their owners, one of their shareholders. And I endorse their
move of operations offshore.
Ah, so you are a KKKonservative Traitor then.
Post by Tim May
Americans have become niggerized.
Scratch a RepubliKKKan, uncover a racist.
Jeff Liebermann
2008-05-28 05:06:57 UTC
On Tue, 27 May 2008 16:23:12 -0700, Tim May
Post by Tim May
Were I to have a plug-in electric car, charging it would be at the
"margin," that is, in addition to my normal electricity usage.
Ask the neighbors if you can borrow some of their juice?
Only 18 years to break even.
# Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060
# 831-336-2558 ***@comix.santa-cruz.ca.us
# http://802.11junk.com ***@cruzio.com
# http://www.LearnByDestroying.com AE6KS
2008-05-28 14:12:58 UTC
Post by Tim May
yes. electric and natural gas are the logical replacements for oil for
Not in states or countries with negative incentives for using
electricity (to charge cars with, for example).
Here in California, we have a multi-tier rate system. Use more and the
In other words, electricity costs _twice_ as much for over 131% of some
baseline per household.
yeah.. the margin... and the idiotic baeline.

you remember then, the outrageous results of the do gooder actions a few
years ago that resulted in the huge increases in electric bills. that on top
of the impossibility of building more nukes in Calif. meanig a lot more
natural gas burning plants, with the price of natural gas escalating.
Post by Tim May
("Baseline" is set by political lobbying groups, committees, etc. It
reflects usage in a small house, and does not even take into account
those of us who have to pump our own water from wells, etc.)
Were I to have a plug-in electric car, charging it would be at the
"margin," that is, in addition to my normal electricity usage.
The cost per energy unit for this electricity is NOT competitive with
gasoline costs. Hell, it'd be cheaper for me to buy gas, run a
generator, charge an electric car from it, than it would be for me to
pay the punitive top tier rate. And their may even be a tier even
higher for usage greater than 200% of baseline, which an electric car
would almost certainly put me into.
(Were electricity a free market item, there would be volume discounts
for bigger purchases, not an escalating price!)
The "split wood, not atoms!" greenhead blissninnies have gotten their
wish: we split wood, burned fossil fuels, and now we have global
cheap energy is the basis of civilization. the greenheads want electric
cars, they need to concede on nukes.

yes there is a place for solar and wind. with new construction rooftop
systems plus moderate sized solar farms. or better yet, every office
complex. shopping mall, and subdevelopment having a lot sized space set
aside for solar generation with a product like

but if we were to follow the greenhead requirement of all solar all the time
we would se massive increases in cost of electricity and massive covering of
the earth. Solar takes space.
Post by Tim May
The best part of this all is that it's the damned poor people, most of
them liberal lefties, who are getting hit by this the hardest. Many of
the companies I invest in are moving operations out of the U.S. just as
quickly as they can. The liberal poor think Obamination will bring them
the problem is, the libs get these people to vote, and they are too stupid
to evaluate the choices. Tax the rich corporations sounds great to folks
working for marginal wages. then when their jobs disappear overseas they
think the answer is to tax even more.
Post by Tim May
--Tim May
2008-05-29 09:05:19 UTC
Post by Tim May
In other words, electricity costs _twice_ as much for over 131% of some
baseline per household.
That's a lot of power you use there John Boy.

The Energy component of my power bill is $10 per month.

What's your problem?
