Feeding the Homeless Attracts Them
(too old to reply)
George Orwell
2008-12-20 22:00:00 UTC

It's time for a Final Solution to the
homeless problem in San Francisco.

Execution, followed by Incineration.

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non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
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Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
2008-12-21 01:52:43 UTC
Post by George Orwell
It's time for a Final Solution to the
homeless problem in San Francisco.
Execution, followed by Incineration.
The problem of useless eaters is not solved by merely removing the San
Francisco useless eaters.

The problem is both national and global.

As a nation, the U.S. has about 30 million useless eaters, not even
counting the 30 million illegals who should be shipped back to Mexico,
Honduras, El Salvador, etc.

Worldwide, at least one entire continent, the so-called Dark
Continent, is filled with hundreds of millions of dirt people: people
living off of the handouts of rich, white countries and their liberal

Many parts of Asia are also filled with people who produce nothing
anyone else wants.

The Burnoff of Useless Eaters (TM, TCM, 1993) should basically let 2.7
billion useless eaters simply meet their fate. Nothing active on our
part--no death camps, no euthanasia, not even sterilizations. Just let
regions and nations and even entire continents burn themselves out.
Let them cannibalize others, infect others with AIDS, put random
whites who foolishly enter their zones into stewpots,

Let the useless eaters burn off. (But make sure the rest of us are
well-stocked with guns to defend ourselves against them.)

The negro says "Reading be fo' whitey." Not too surprising that he is
not in the sciences or engineering, that he mainly dominates politics,
the media, and income redistribution organizations. He is in a gutter
race, headed for eventual extinction as the useless eaters are burned

(My Google code word is the appropriate word for the useless eaters:
gypor )

--Tim Ma;y
2008-12-23 20:11:30 UTC
Post by George Orwell
Who's with me? Over 400 comments
on SFGATE on this article alone.
Randy MacPherson
2008-12-25 21:18:36 UTC
Post by beebs
Post by George Orwell
Who's with me? Over 400 comments
on SFGATE on this article alone.
Not all homeless people are bums. Many are homeless simply because they were
laid off.

I think we should come up with some system to screen homeless people and
help only those who are trying to improve their lives, not those who are
looking for a free handout.
2009-01-03 19:26:46 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by George Orwell
It's time for a Final Solution to the
homeless problem in San Francisco.
Execution, followed by Incineration.
The problem of useless eaters is not solved by merely removing the San
Francisco useless eaters.
The problem is both national and global.
As a nation, the U.S. has about 30 million useless eaters, not even
counting the 30 million illegals who should be shipped back to Mexico,
Honduras, El Salvador, etc.
Worldwide, at least one entire continent, the so-called Dark
Continent, is filled with hundreds of millions of dirt people: people
living off of the handouts of rich, white countries and their liberal
Many parts of Asia are also filled with people who produce nothing
anyone else wants.
The Burnoff of Useless Eaters (TM, TCM, 1993) should basically let 2.7
billion useless eaters simply meet their fate. Nothing active on our
part--no death camps, no euthanasia, not even sterilizations. Just let
regions and nations and even entire continents  burn themselves out.
Let them cannibalize others, infect others with AIDS, put random
whites who foolishly enter their zones into stewpots,
Let the useless eaters burn off. (But make sure the rest of us are
well-stocked with guns to defend ourselves against them.)
The negro says "Reading be fo' whitey." Not too surprising that he is
not in the sciences or engineering, that he mainly dominates politics,
the media, and income redistribution organizations. He is in a gutter
race, headed for eventual extinction as the useless eaters are burned
gypor )
--Tim Ma;y
Bernie Madoff is a useless eater. However, he has helped to burn off
at least one of his fellow Jews, and put a serious dent in the funding
that feeds other kinds of "useless eaters." Had he been born a
generation sooner, he could easily have been a Nazi collaborator.
Should he be exonerated, or sent up the chimneys along with the
nouveau middle class "Motorhomeless" of Santa Barbara?....
Decisions.... decisions....

"Arbeit mach frei."

~Proverbial Nazi Lie
2009-01-04 12:15:55 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by George Orwell
It's time for a Final Solution to the
homeless problem in San Francisco.
Execution, followed by Incineration.
The problem of useless eaters is not solved by merely removing the San
Francisco useless eaters.
Seems to me you are one of them.
2009-01-03 01:35:50 UTC
yeah, and when YOU lose your job, your ass will be pushed into the
oven. We already beat your kind in WWII and we will do it again.
Geoff Miller
2009-01-03 04:01:59 UTC
Post by u***@gmail.com
yeah, and when YOU lose your job, your ass will be
pushed into the oven.
Contrary to popular belief, nobody died in ovens in the
Nazi death camps during WWII. The ovens were merely
crematoria, used for incincerating the corpses of people
who'd already been killed in gas chambers, by firing squads,
or what have you.
Post by u***@gmail.com
We already beat your kind in WWII and we will do it again.
Who are you talking to here? It's customary to include at
least a *little* bit of quoted text in order to establish
context for one's readers. You can't assume that all of
your readers have necessarily been following the thread
from its beginning.


"Profanity is the crutch of inarticulate
motherfuckers." -- Vinnie Jordan
Stan de SD
2009-01-03 18:17:06 UTC
Post by u***@gmail.com
We already beat your kind in WWII and we will do it again.
Who are you talking to here?  It's customary to include at
least a *little* bit of quoted text in order to establish
context for one's readers.  
You assume a foaming, frothing psychotic has any form of rational
2009-01-04 12:14:26 UTC
Post by Stan de SD
Post by Geoff Miller
Post by u***@gmail.com
We already beat your kind in WWII and we will do it again.
Who are you talking to here? It's customary to include at
least a *little* bit of quoted text in order to establish
context for one's readers.
You assume a foaming, frothing psychotic has any form of rational
Yeah, people like this* are a portrait of mental stability:

*in case you missed it the first time around

George Orwell
View profile
(1 user) More options Dec 20 2008, 2:00 pm
Newsgroups: scruz.general, ba.general, la.general, alt.activism
From: George Orwell <***@mixmaster.it>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 23:00:00 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Feeding the Homeless Attracts Them
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It's time for a Final Solution to the
homeless problem in San Francisco.

Execution, followed by Incineration.

This guy is ready for the mental ward.
2009-01-03 01:50:17 UTC
Post by George Orwell
It's time for a Final Solution to the
homeless problem in San Francisco.
Execution, followed by Incineration.
We beat your kind in 1945 and we will do it again.
Dont forget what you said when YOU lose your job.
Post by George Orwell
Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
di un sistema anonimizzatore |anonymous system
Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
Geoff Miller
2009-01-03 04:15:04 UTC
Post by u***@gmail.com
We beat your kind in 1945 and we will do it again.
Dont forget what you said when YOU lose your job.
Those who are delicately euphemized as "the homeless"
(i.e., "bums") aren't merely laid-off office workers.
They're mentally ill, and/or drug addicts, and/or too
lazy to work.

Liberals are fond of saying that "the homeless" are
Ronald Reagan's fault for depriving California's
(or the nation's, depending on who you hear it from)
mental hospitals of funding and thereby, turning these
poeple out into the streets.

Well, it's been twenty years since Reagan was president,
and thirty-four years since he was governor of California.
What have you liberals done during that time to fix this
problem that you insist Reagan created?

Answer: you haven't done shit. I still see these shambling
wrecks of humanity panhandling from traffic islands, in front
of supermarkets and restaurants, etc.

Furthermore, if you personally have such confidence in the
moral rectitude of your position, then why are you posting
through an anonymizing service?


"Profanity is the crutch of inarticulate
motherfuckers." -- Vinnie Jordan
Stan de SD
2009-01-03 18:30:27 UTC
Post by Geoff Miller
Post by u***@gmail.com
We beat your kind in 1945 and we will do it again.
Dont forget what you said when YOU lose your job.
Those who are delicately euphemized as "the homeless"
(i.e., "bums") aren't merely laid-off office workers.
They're mentally ill, and/or drug addicts, and/or too
lazy to work.  
Liberals are fond of saying that "the homeless" are
Ronald Reagan's fault for depriving California's
(or the nation's, depending on who you hear it from)
mental hospitals of funding and thereby, turning these
poeple out into the streets.
Well, it's been twenty years since Reagan was president,
and thirty-four years since he was governor of California.  
What have you liberals done during that time to fix this
problem that you insist Reagan created?  
Answer: you haven't done shit.  I still see these shambling
wrecks of humanity panhandling from traffic islands, in front
of supermarkets and restaurants, etc.
Left-wing activists use the homeless in the same way that the Arabs
use the Palestinians - as a propaganda tool. You won't see these
liberals passing up their lattes, Volvos, condos, and $100 meals in
fancy foo-foo restaurants called "Chez whatever" to personally feed,
clothe, or rehabilitate some homeless person. And if somebody does try
to do something positive to get these people off of the streets and
into shelters or treatment (Guiliani in NY circa 1990's, "Care not
Cash" in SF) the oh-so-compassionate lefties go ape-shit, screaming
"homelessness is not a crime", and accusing whoever suggested the plan
as proposing everything short of genocide. The fact of the matter is
that lefties don't realy give a shit what happens to the homeless in
the long run. They WANT these people on the street, in order to foment
antagonism and conflict between them and working taxpayers.
2009-01-03 21:17:13 UTC
Here are some quotes from the book "Kampfzeit", (period of
struggle), by Hans Hinkel:

"Faster than lightening a lie about us spread throughout the country,
spread in every attic room where poor people lived by newspapers owned
or obedient to the opponent. It took a week of work by us National
Socialists to deal with a three-line lie in an opposing newspaper. As
soon as one lie was dealt with, a hundred more sprang up. Like a
hydra, the opponent's horror stories about National Socialism and its
supporters spread. There was not a speech by the Führer or his
associates that was not immediately twisted and tastefully served up
to the gullible Michael at breakfast or dinner. Adolf Hitler had "spat
out the communion wafer." Hermann Göring was smuggling opium or
morphine. Robert Ley has "lost a 'v'" in his name Pastor Münchmeyer
was guilty of "moral crimes" in Borkum. We often would have laughed
had we not hourly learned the amazing gullibility of millions of
German citizens who were trapped in the enemy's web of lies. The only
answer was for everyone to set to work with the people, going
everywhere to fight, speak and educate. Sooner or later the opponent
would have to face us and be revealed as a liar to the public."

"The city was like an upset anthill on that cold winter night. Roland
Freisler ran out from the chattering council meeting and went with us
to the nearby Friedrich Square where we spoke with the starving
masses. We forgot the middle class niceties! We had to stop Moscow
from winning over these citizens driven crazy by hunger, making them
wiling subjects of the insane ideas of Bolshevism"

"Only a few weeks later, I needed an escort to leave or return to my
apartment. Several loyal S.A. men had to be with me all the time,
since Communist unemployed men, unscrupulously incited against us
National Socialists, wanted to attack me now that they knew who I was.
Every day I joined the unemployed who demonstrated in the large
courtyard of the labor office on Giesberg Street. More than once I had
to be met by party members at the Kassel train station to protect me
from lurking Communist terror troops. It was the same or worse for all
of our prominent Kassel party members and S.A. men, just as for the
storm troops of our movement who risked their lives every day and
every hour in every city and every village of Germany. The enemy
naturally was particularly after us speakers. According to the law, we
had to be unarmed. We would have been in deep trouble if a body search
had found a weapon! A nail file was thought to be a weapon. Later even
a party badge, since it had a long needle!"

"The attempts of our party comrades to hold a National Socialist
meeting failed a half dozen times or more. Most meetings were made
impossible by the thousand-fold numerical superiority of the opponent,
or else broken up before they could finish. Our protective service
-every party member in each local group belongs - is still too weak in
most areas to stand up against the red avalanche, driven more and more
by the Communists. One National Socialist against five hundred or even
a thousand citizens, that is how it always is there!"

"After I had spoken about twenty minutes, a worker jumped up on a
table and called upon the "comrades" to leave the meeting of the
"Fascist band." Several dozen start singing the "Internationale" and
we have no choice but to overpower the growling of the comrades with
"Deutschland, Deutschland über alles." Another several hundred leave
the hall. The singing quieted down and peace was slowly restored. I
spoke to several hundred people at the end, all that were left of the
more than a thousand who were there to start."
"For years now we speakers have been traveling through every Gau in
Germany. I speak primarily in Saxony, Brandenburg, Hessen-Nassau and
in the West. We see that even red Saxony is streaming more and more to
National Socialism. The meetings are difficult, but always

"For how long? When would this hard battle end? When would more
Germans wake up? When would hundreds of thousands finally be ready to
march into battle behind the banner of National Socialism?! - None of
us thinks about the "when." Forward! - Only forward! Each heart won
over is a victory! The day will come...!"

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.org

2009-01-05 10:35:16 UTC
Post by George Orwell
It's time for a Final Solution
You better hope your boss still likes you and you are not about to
get canned, cause YOU will end up being one of those you so despise.
It's an EMPLOYERS job market now, and a peasant like you better keep
boot licking and toadying like a little nazi, or else your fellow
nazis will be waiting to kick your ass.

You better:
Make sure your suit is the right color:
Figure out your boss and what he likes, even though you are not a
Hope you still don't get canned despite your best efforts
MIguel O'Pastel
2009-01-06 02:59:01 UTC
They don't have a problem, they get their psych disability check each month
right on time.
<***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:f0c15abf-c806-4868-a106-***@u18g2000pro.googlegroups.com...
| On Dec 20 2008, 2:00 pm, George Orwell <***@mixmaster.it> wrote:
| > http://tinyurl.com/78zqy4
| >
| > It's time for a Final Solution
| You better hope your boss still likes you and you are not about to
| get canned, cause YOU will end up being one of those you so despise.
| It's an EMPLOYERS job market now, and a peasant like you better keep
| boot licking and toadying like a little nazi, or else your fellow
| nazis will be waiting to kick your ass.
| You better:
| Make sure your suit is the right color:
| Figure out your boss and what he likes, even though you are not a
| telepath:
| Hope you still don't get canned despite your best efforts
